The study, conducted by researchers from the São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAE
The third edition of Diversity Literacy at FGV IBRE was a huge step toward building a more inclu
What distinguishes resistance to diversity in companies from other types of resistance to change
The Center for Racial Justice and Law is now FGV Racial Justice - Center for Applied Research in
Mapping work by the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School analyzed data on candidates submitted to the Su
The consumer surveyscarried out since 2006 by Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian Institute of Eco
“Learning about women’s stories means having a new lens to think about the story of our lives,” s
Dedicated to rewarding interdisciplinary work on human rights and gender, this prize is bestowed
FGV’s Professional Master’s in Administration, the first program of its kind in Brazil, is partne
The study highlights the positive impacts this can have in terms of ethics, sustainability, innov